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Transform Your Approach: The Secret to Healthy Weight Management

When you feel better, you’re more likely to want to take action to support your weight loss goal.

How you feel about yourself affects how you live your life everyday and unless you reprogram how you feel about yourself, you’ll just keep getting the same results; same weight, same stressors, same anxieties…

Around the time of our 40’s, due to hormonal changes, being around ‘mid-life’ and having a lot on our plate, we can feel more anxious, more stress and more confusion over what we want out of life. As such, our thoughts can be very damaging, and these thoughts become our blueprint, creating the life around us and how we feel about ourself.

This is a time in life where you can feel very lost. You’ve lost sight of who you are (if you ever really knew) and you question whether you’re enough and what makes you happy. There’s also a lot of changes happening physically. You may be gaining weight, you’ve got stubborn fat you can’t shift, or physical pain that can’t be explained.

In order to make any changes in your life (to get healthier, fitter, change career, feel energised…) you need better thoughts. 

Otherwise who is going to create that vision, of feeling great, of losing weight, feeling calm. If you’re held back so much by doubts, fear and lack of confidence, it’s going to be so much harder to breakout of this cycle.

But how can you make better thoughts when you feel anxious, stressed and you’ve lost all enthusiasm?

Changing our thoughts starts with changing how we feel about ourselves. Feeling better about ourselves, respecting our body means you’d always look after yourself in the best possible way. You’d eat better because you wouldn’t want to punish your body with unhealthy food. You’d exercise because you’d want to feel energised and full of vitality. You’d ensure you make time to relax a priority in your day. You’d have clear boundaries in place to protect your time.

So start with making better thoughts about yourself. Keep a record of all the negative things you say about yourself, your internal dialogue. You’ll probably be surprised how hard you are on yourself. These thoughts have a ripple effect on all areas of your life – they shape your life. 

Simple Tools For Better Thoughts


01. Check-In With Your Inner Dialogue

In the evening, review the record you kept in the day, and change every negative thing you said about yourself to something positive. Make these positive phrases part of your daily mantra. Need some inspiration?

02. Do Something Daily Just For You

What makes you happy? If you’ve lost sight of what makes you happy, play around with a few things and find what feels right. Maybe it’s snuggling up on the sofa reading a good book or having a relaxing bubble bath with candles and music. Are there things you’ve always wanted to try, like painting? Dance classes? Try them now. Prioritise time for you on the things that make you happy. This will boost how you feel about yourself, because you’re taking care of yourself, your happiness.

03. Get Moving

Endorphins and dopamine are released when you move make you feel better, happier and calmer. You don’t need to go to a gym, a 5km run or do a HIIT class. You can simply dance around your house! Run up and down the stairs a few times. Whatever it is you enjoy doing. Just ensure you’re doing it frequently in your day – so try not to sit down for more than an hour without getting up and moving around for 5 minutes.

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