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The Remedy Suite Blog

Our blog is packed with fad-free, simple solutions to feeling your best inside & out

  • #11: Transform Your Body Image: The First Step to Sustainable Weight Loss

    #11: Transform Your Body Image: The First Step to Sustainable Weight Loss

    Embracing Body Positivity Before Achieving Your Weight Goals We often try to lose weight with the hope that once we have lost it, we’ll feel good about ourselves. We look forward to feeling proud of our bodies, believing that the guilt and shame will finally vanish. As a result, we aim to lose weight as…

  • #10: Navigating Summer: A Guide to Eating Well and Feeling Great

    #10: Navigating Summer: A Guide to Eating Well and Feeling Great

    Over summer, it’s common to feel out of control with eating and our health goals, especially when on holiday. We might indulge more than usual, thinking, “I’m on holiday; I want to enjoy myself.” But the aftermath often brings guilt and regret from the weight gained. This yo-yo pattern of dieting and indulgence isn’t just…

  • #9: The Effects of Alcohol on Women Over 40: What You Need to Know

    #9: The Effects of Alcohol on Women Over 40: What You Need to Know

    Managing Drinking Habits Are you struggling with managing your alcohol consumption while trying to lose weight or navigate unwanted midlife symptoms? You might find yourself drinking more than intended, especially during social events, which can sabotage your health goals. Here are some actionable strategies to help manage your drinking and support your health goals. Understanding…

  • #8: Navigating Midlife Changes: How to Overcome Stress and Embrace Wellness

    #8: Navigating Midlife Changes: How to Overcome Stress and Embrace Wellness

    Do you find yourself struggling with anxiety, low confidence, or constant self-doubt? Are those stubborn pounds increasingly difficult to shed? Do you find your sleep sporadic and your motivation to maintain healthy habits dwindling? If so, you’re not alone. These are common experiences for women in midlife, particularly during the perimenopausal and menopausal phases. Understanding…

  • #7: 5 Habits of Women Sailing Through Perimenopause

    #7: 5 Habits of Women Sailing Through Perimenopause

    We’ve all come across someone or heard a celebrity saying that they felt better than ever when they hit midlife. They finally ‘knew’ themselves and were in the best shape ever! However, for most of us going through these hormonal changes it feels confusing. We don’t know the new version of ourselves. It’s a time…

  • #6: 5 Rules to Live By to Get the Best Night’s Sleep

    #6: 5 Rules to Live By to Get the Best Night’s Sleep

    During midlife we can find it really hard to get quality sleep and often wake in the night tossing and turning. Below are 5 reasons to focus on ensuring your getting good quality sleep and 5 rules to live by to get the best night’s sleep: 01. Sleep is Fat-Burning Our body works hard in…

  • #5: Self-Care Rituals for Midlife

    #5: Self-Care Rituals for Midlife

    In order to help manage the unwanted symptoms of midlife, whether that’s unwanted weight gain, digestive issues, brain fog, lack of energy or just feeling out of sorts, it’s easy to get caught in a downward spiral. But what will really help, is working on feeling good in our body and appreciating who we are.…

  • #4: The Fastest Way To Feeling Better For Weight Loss

    #4: The Fastest Way To Feeling Better For Weight Loss

    When you feel better, you’re more likely to want to take action to support your weight loss goal. How you feel about yourself affects how you live your life everyday and unless you reprogram how you feel about yourself, you’ll just keep getting the same results; same weight, same stressors, same anxieties… Around the time…

  • #3: What is a Healthy Lifestyle When You’re 40+?

    #3: What is a Healthy Lifestyle When You’re 40+?

    The body is one whole connected system, and to work effectively, it has to be in synchronicity. When it’s not, and it’s out of balance, it causes issues like unwanted weight gain, hormone imbalance, anxiety… If these symptoms persist, they can lead to chronic disease and disorders. Some of which don’t bear their ugly head…

  • #2: Self-Management Tools For Midlife

    #2: Self-Management Tools For Midlife

    Before you even consider going on a health journey, or set goals, you need to be in control of your own life, not life controlling you. The success of your health and wellness journey is an inside job. Developing the inner skills to ensure you create and sustain a healthy lifestyle is fundamental. Learn how…

  • #1: 10 Things You Should Give Up To Be Healthy

    #1: 10 Things You Should Give Up To Be Healthy

    Here are 10 things you should give up to be healthy 1. Give Up Negative Self-Talk We can really self-sabotage our lives through negative self-talk. If we don’t feel good about ourselves (because of what we repeatedly tell ourselves), then we’re unlikely to make good choices when it comes decisions around food, exercise, sleep and…

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