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5 Habits of Women Sailing Through Perimenopause

We’ve all come across someone or heard a celebrity saying that they felt better than ever when they hit midlife. They finally ‘knew’ themselves and were in the best shape ever!

However, for most of us going through these hormonal changes it feels confusing. We don’t know the new version of ourselves. It’s a time where our body is changing and so is our brain! The weight creeps on and sticks like superglue. We feel tired most of the time. We’re at a stage of life, which makes us think about time-lost in the past and how we’re going to spend our future. We’re juggling multiple things, dealing with teenage children, empty nests, careers, ageing parents…the list goes on. During this huge life-shifting stage, just when we need it most, we’re often lacking confidence and second-guessing ourselves.

So what are the secrets of the women sailing through perimenopause? They all share 5 habits.

From around the time of our 40’s our body goes through major changes. There’s also a lot of different things happening to our brain too – which can leave us feeling and behaving very differently. You might be experiencing excess physical weight, but mental weight too. We need to make some physical and mental shifts during this time and the 5 tools I’ll leave you with will certainly get those shifts moving in the right direction!

Habit #1

Women easing through midlife tune into their body and pay attention to it.

Get to know the foods and how much of them make you feel physically good and those that don’t. 

Be intentional with your eating. Notice when your body has had enough. Remind yourself you want to feel good. Those moments when you’re eating and it tastes so good are short-lived. The feeling that lingers is what you experience for hours after. 

Habit #2

Women sailing through perimenopause decide to eat from a place of self-love.

When you tune into your body and understand how it feels depending on what you’re eating, decide to fuel it with nourishing foods. You’re getting to know a new body right now and that requires a different approach to when you were younger and what you could get away with.

Habit #3

Women thriving during midlife don’t buy into the belief that “this is just what happens when you get older.” That you put on weight easily, you can’t shift the weight, you lose motivation for things and energy.

If you take on these thoughts, it instantly creates a block because our mind works to prove ourself true – like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Practice believing that you can thrive in midlife, that you can step into your best life in this second chapter.

Habit #4

Women feeling and looking better than ever during perimenopause eat the right food for hormones and weight management.

During midlife a tailored approach to health is required – what worked for us in our 20’s and 30’s doesn’t anymore. With the right targeted method, you can take charge of your body. I’ve created a quick start guide to help you do that. You can download this free guide here.

Habit #5

Women thriving through perimenopause move their body in a way that feels good.

There’s so much information out there on what we should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes to exercise. For weight loss, the truth is 80% is about food and only 20% exercise. Don’t get caught up in what you think you should be doing to burn calories and think of exercise from a place of what feels good for you. If we have the notion we hate exercise because we think we’ve got to go for a 5k run or do a tortuous workout, it will stop us doing anything at all. Again this is about tuning in with your body, only doing what feels good.

This is essential too because ‘over exercising’ in midlife can exacerbate unwanted symptoms by putting too much stress on the body.

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