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10 Things You Should Give Up To Be Healthy in Midlife

Ready to elevate your health in midlife? Letting go of these 10 habits could be the game-changer you need.

Midlife is a time of transformation, a period where our bodies and minds demand a little extra care. Yet, often, it’s the habits we’ve clung to for years that hold us back from reaching our full potential. It’s not about adding more to your plate; it’s about shedding what’s no longer serving you. Here are 10 things you should give up to embrace a healthier, more vibrant you in midlife.

1. Give Up Negative Self-Talk

We can really self-sabotage our lives through negative self-talk. If we don’t feel good about ourselves (because of what we repeatedly tell ourselves), then we’re unlikely to make good choices when it comes decisions around food, exercise, sleep and self-care.

You may have become familiar with negative self-talk, but all habits can be broken. It’s your mind’s job to make things real, but you can control that by practicing better thoughts. Easier said that done! I know. But every little bit of practice does help.

2. Give Up Complaining

Your thoughts can become blueprints. When we complain about ageing, we’re focusing our attention on that and all the negative beliefs we associate with it. Don’t buy into the belief that weight gain, fatigue…are just part of getting older. If we buy into that, that’s usually what we’ll settle at.

3. Give Up Your Need To Always Be Right

Our egos get in the way of what is best for us. To always be right, at the cost of relationships and connection, is ultimately damaging us. It’s reactive. In the cold light of day, does it really matter? It’s often just an ego thing.

We’ll all likely feel better and have better relationships if we give up the need to always be right. Connection is fundamental to optimum health. 

4. Give Up On Blame

Our brain is wired to protect us, and so it can often feel instinctual to blame someone or something else. Here’s to empowering ourselves instead to take responsibility, and most importantly, learn and grow.

5. Give Up On Your Resistance To Change

Something that so often holds us back from our true potential and embracing all of life’s experiences is resisting change. Yet, in order to grow and build self-esteem and confidence is to take ourselves outside of our comfort zone.

6. Give Up On Your Fears

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” -Franklin D. Roosevelt

We all feel fear and that’s healthy. It becomes less healthy when it stops us from truly experiencing life, pursuing our dreams, ambitions and goals. It’s about exploring outside of our comfort zone and growing.

7. Give Up Living Your Life To Other People’s Expectations

Are you truly living the life that you want? Or have you lost control over your life? It’s often the case that we’ve forgotten what life we truly wanted, those dreams and aspirations we had when you were younger. Life happens and too often we get caught up making everyone else happy and falling within the depths of expectations. 

8. Give Up The Past

Regrets and guilt about the past, only cause inner pain, like poison in your body. Let it go.

The present moment is all you have. Enjoy being in the moment. It’s that mindfulness that can really help reduce stress.

9. Give Up Your Excuses

“Some people choose their path out of fear disguised as practicality.” -Jim Carey

Instead of making the best lifestyle choices for ourselves, we can limit ourselves and make excuses, because ultimately we seek comfort and familiarity.

We may find we tell ourselves convincing stories that keep us safe and in our comfort zones. It’s easy to say “I’ve not got enough time to go for a walk” or “I’ve not got enough time to go the gym.” Deep down, we know we could make something work. Whether that means working-out at home, or allowing something to give in our schedule that’s less important than our health. Sometimes we just need to force ourselves to do the things we don’t want to do.

10. Give Up Your Need To Impress Others

Being your authentic self; unapologetically YOU is empowering. We won’t be every one’s cup of tea, but that’s okay, we don’t need to be. We just need to be ourselves.

You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches.” -Dita Von Teese

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