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Thriving Through Perimenopause: 5 Essential Habits for Your Health & Happiness

Perimenopause can feel like a whirlwind of changes. Suddenly, the body you’ve known for decades seems unfamiliar, and the strategies that once worked to keep you feeling great no longer seem effective. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, tired, and uncertain about how to navigate this new chapter. But what if you could not only manage these changes but thrive through them?

Some women appear to sail through perimenopause with grace and ease, embracing this time of life with confidence and vitality. The secret? They’ve adopted key habits that help them stay in tune with their bodies, nurture their minds, and maintain their wellbeing. These habits aren’t about drastic changes but small, intentional shifts that lead to profound transformations. Let’s explore the five essential habits that can help you thrive through perimenopause.

Habit #1: Listen to Your Body and Honour Its Signals

To thrive during perimenopause, it’s important to be deeply connected with your body. Pay attention to how different foods make you feel and be intentional with your eating. It’s not about following a strict diet but about listening to what your body needs and responding with care.

When you eat, focus on how the food makes you feel both during and after your meal. Do you feel energised, satisfied, and nourished, or do you feel sluggish and uncomfortable? By tuning into your body’s signals, you can make choices that support your wellbeing. Remember, the pleasure of eating isn’t just in the moment—it’s in how you feel long after the meal is over.

Habit #2: Choose Foods That Nourish and Support You

As you navigate perimenopause, making food choices from a place of self-love becomes even more important. Your body is changing, and it requires a different approach to nutrition. What worked for you in your 20s and 30s might not be as effective now, and that’s okay. Your body is different, and it needs your support.

Nourishing your body with the right foods is an act of self-care. Focus on incorporating foods that support hormonal balance and overall health. This isn’t about restriction—it’s about choosing to fuel your body in a way that makes you feel your best. As you get to know your new body, you’ll discover what nourishes you, both physically and emotionally.

Habit #3: Reject the Myths of Ageing and Embrace Possibility

It’s easy to buy into the narrative that ageing means decline—weight gain, low energy, and diminished motivation. But you don’t have to accept this. What you believe shapes your reality.

If you tell yourself that weight gain is inevitable and that energy loss is just part of getting older, your mind will work to prove it true. Instead, choose to believe that this stage of life is an opportunity to thrive, to step into your best self in this new chapter. By adopting a mindset of possibility, you open the door to transformation.

Habit #4: Tailor Your Approach to Your Changing Body

To feel and look your best during perimenopause, it’s essential to tailor your approach to health. What worked in the past might not work now, and that’s perfectly normal. With the right methods, you can take charge of your body and wellbeing.

This includes eating the right foods for hormonal balance and weight management. A targeted approach to nutrition can help you maintain your energy levels, manage your weight, and feel in control of your health. Download my free quick-start guide to help you begin your journey toward a more empowered and healthy midlife.

Habit #5: Move Your Body in a Way That Feels Good

Exercise is an important part of staying healthy, but it’s crucial to move in a way that feels good for you. Don’t follow rigid exercise routines—listen to your body and find joy in movement.

Remember, exercise isn’t just about burning calories. It’s about supporting your physical and mental wellbeing. Over-exercising can actually exacerbate symptoms of perimenopause by putting too much stress on your body. Instead, focus on activities that make you feel strong, energised, and happy. This could be anything from walking and yoga to dancing or swimming—whatever feels right for you.

Embrace Your Midlife Transformation

Perimenopause is a time of change, but it’s also a time of opportunity. By adopting these five habits, you can navigate this stage with confidence, ease, and vitality. Remember, it’s not about perfection—it’s about making small, intentional shifts that lead to lasting change.

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